l/J-2, Chandi Vyapar Bhawan, Exhibition Road, Patna, 800001

Mon-Sun : 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

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Charities & Trusts

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Welcome to our financial advising firm specializing in helping charities and trusts efficiently manage their finances. Our team of experts are here to provide you with the financial tools and resources necessary for your organization to achieve success.

Charities and trusts have unique requirements. The management of their investments is one thing, the administration and reporting is quite another, and both need to be done to the highest standards. This means understanding the goals of the trustees, together with any restrictions or constraints.

Clarity of communication is central. Not only between you and us, but in enabling you to communicate effectively with beneficiaries and other key stakeholders.

The services we offer to charities and trustees include :

  • Charity and trustee advisory services
  • Discretionary investment management
  • Treasury management

Our Mission


Our mission is to provide efficient financial advising to charities and trusts. We help you manage your finances seamlessly, so you can focus on achieving your goals.


At our firm, we believe in sustainable finances. We offer personalized financial planning services that are catered to your needs so that your charity or trust can thrive in the long run.


We pride ourselves on our integrity. We ensure that our financial strategies are transparent, honest, and always in the best interest of our clients.

How We Can Help ?

Financial Planning

We provide financial planning services to help charities and trusts manage their finances by establishing financial objectives, creating investment strategies, and taking into account current market trends.

Investment Management

Our team of experienced investment professionals help our clients generate income by selecting and managing diverse investment portfolios that cater to the individual needs and risk tolerance of the organization.

Accounting and Tax Services

We offer accounting and tax services to ensure that our clients are compliant with the law, taking advantage of tax exemptions, and utilizing tax benefits available to charitable organizations and trusts.

Success Stories

Fincun Food Bank Donations

Food Bank Donations

We helped a local food bank increase donations by 30% through financial planning, grant applications, and targeted outreach campaigns.

Fincun Returns

Estate Planning

We worked with a trust to build an investment strategy that matched their financial objectives. With our guidance, the trust's assets grew by 25% in one year.

Fincun Returns

Building Renovations

We offered financial planning services to a charity in need of renovating their building. The charity successfully completed renovations and was able to generate additional funds through increased program participation in their updated facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

l/J-2, Chandi Vyapar Bhawan, Exhibition Road, Patna, 800001

Mon-Sun : 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


Financial Planning, Wealth Management & Investment Advice.



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Mutual Funds


National Pension Scheme (NPS) Registration


National Pension Scheme (NPS) Subsequent Contribution



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